10 Years In Bangladesh – Sharing The Stories

Kom og hør om Bandhabs erfaringer fra 10 års arbejde for marginaliserede kvinder I Bangladesh.
Raminta og Afif, der har besøgt Bandhabs projekter i Bangladesh flere gange, vil fortælle om deres oplevelser, forholdende i Bangladesh, forskellen mellem livet i by og land og resultaterne fra Bandhabs arbejde de sidste 10 år.

Arrangementet vil foregår på engelsk.
Alle er velkomne. Deltagelse er gratis.
Come and hear about Bandhab’s experiences from 10 years of working for marginalized women in Bangladesh.
Raminta and Afif, who have visited Bandhab’s projects sites in Bangladesh several times, will tell about their experiences, the conditions in Bangladesh, the difference between life in the city and the countryside and the results from Bandhab’s work the last 10 years.

The event will be in English.
Everyone is welcome. Participation is free.