Beauty is 18 years old and is a member of the ‟Karna Fullyˮ Gono Kendra. When her father died, she was faced with very grave and bleak circumstances and as her five brothers did not have the means to offer her substantial financial assistance, she had difficulties supporting herself. However, in the Gono Kendra she learned how to sew. Using the money she won in the Gono Kendra lottery and a small loan from her brother, she subsequently bought a sewing machine.
Beauty now earns money by sewing dresses and shopping bags. The bags are made of old cement bags which she has bought and sewn on. Together with the other members in the ‟Karna Fullyˮ Gono Kendra, she has started a genuine production of shopping bags. Each day, Beauty is able to make 5 to 6 shopping bags, and one of the coordinators of the Gono Kendra project ensures that they find their way to the local market, where they are being sold in large numbers. As a result, Beauty now has a steady income, and she has been able to pay back the money she borrowed from her brother.
Beautyʼs story is testament to that the communal cooperation and skill training activities facilitated by the Gono Kendra project help vulnerable young women overcome adverse social and economic conditions. As a result, they become empowered and industrious members of their communities.